First Date
2019 11 16

My heart beated so fast in the whole day. We kept talking and talking. We went to the gopchang story!!! Not a good place for first date lol but all I saw in your eyes is love. Our story began from today!

Ming's Birthday
2019 11 26

My class ended in 10 pm but we both want to gave each other suprise so we went to each other's house. A lovely accident. And we went to Brooklyn to date. There we took a lot pictures and talk a lot.

Get Away trip
2019 12 18

I graduated!!! Let's go to some trip as we planed. It was snowing outside and we could not rent the car. So we took the train and uber. Feel we left the normal world. Such a great time.

christmas Eve
2019 12 24

Your sister was coming so we could not always be together, but we still met everyday even it took long time in the subway. We exchanged gift, we cooked together at Christmas. We went to see the 'Jumanji' together!

Happy New Year
2019 12 31

It's a crazy night. We danced at club and counted down 2020 together. We took picture in the street and had deep kiss 💖. So many people celebrate the New Year and my heart was full of Joy. This year we did so many exciting things, I wish I could meet you early. Destiny brought me here, I want to be with you for the rest of every year in my life.

Valentines Day
2020 2 14

We had been together for whole week. We went to Karaoke, we went to have banana pudding, we took picture in time square, There were so many people in this street but I felt I was the happiest one.

Park in NJ
2019 3 17

규빈이 got up at 6 am to catch train just for spending more time with me, so touched. First time we hit the road driving by ourself. The park was not big as expected but there was no people and the park only beloged to us.

Bronx Life
2020 3 21

COVID 19 came. Such a disaster to the world, and us. But we fortunately have a place to stay together. Although the room was small we had a park near us. We went shopping, cooked meals, watched TV together everyday and I just found we were so good living together even the dining table was so small lol. Even the normal life made me so satisfied. I will remember these time forever.

Last night in Bronx 2020 4 13

Baby I am your watermelon. I do not want to be apart from you ever. We had too much precious memory in NYC. Please don't be too sad we will meet soon. I will never forget you even you are in Korea.

Ming's Birthday

Love the meet fresh you order for me

2020 12 23

I am so happy you come to me. Totally changed my life. I want to give us the best 3 month in our life.

2020 12 28

Best trip in my life. Crazy but fun. I still remember we drove until 11:50 pm and I was almost fell asleep in the highway. I dont need good food, good hotel, just being with you every minute in the road is the best time.

Get Away Again!!!
2021 01 29

Coldest place I've ever been. But You are my hot pack. I love you being so careful. I am so thankful to god that we spend so much good time together. We experience a lot and explore the world.

2021 03 18

We will see each other soon.
I promise.
Love never end.

2021 04 02

Today is our 500 days Anniversary. Thank you for everything. No matter what happens, I am already your man.I never be so happy in my life. Most of the time we are not together, but I really treasure every day we were together. I did not believe long distance love, but you give me so much confidence. At this time, I am more and more confident everyday. I am sure we will be happy in the future. Let's celebrate 2 years, 10 years and 50 years!!
I love you , Gyubeen

See you Again
2021 11 18

What a suprising trip. I feel so happy we have this opportunity. Although it's just 9 days but we really made a looooooooot memory.
San Francisco 🌁 🌉🛶

2021 11 21

Hoho Yosemite. First national park we go together.
Glacier point, tunnel view.
We played card game, had pizza. Slept inside the tent. 🐻🍕🌌
We hiked 8 miles mist trail 🏃 🏃‍♀️. Going to be the gym couple together in the future.

Los Angelas
2021 11 23

Lovely trip. Thank you for planning the day so well. We did everything in 1 day.🚽🎥🚊🌄
Pink walls. Walk of Fame. Grand central Market&&Angel Flights. BCD tofu. Lake Hollywood Park. Griffith Observatory.

Love continues ...

It's 2021 Christmas day. The third Christmas since we've been together. When I update this blog, I am still suprised about those thing we did together. It's a long time,I was not sure about long distance love at first, 2 Years! We already celebrated 2 years Anniversay. Let's make it big at next year. Let's really be together next year and celebrate 3 years, 10 years, 50 years anniversary!!
I will always love you , Gyubeen